Who we are

In Campoli Appennino, in the heart of Ciociaria, there is a small corner of taste where you can find all the truffle specialties and where you can buy fresh truffles of all varieties depending on the period.

Welcome to Sulpizio Tartufi

Our history

The love between the truffle and our family has its roots in distant times: they were times made of simple and genuine things, where the rhythms were marked by nature and where respect for traditions and our land were an absolute priority.

The beginning

Our grandparents already back in 1954 explored the Ciociaria hills in search of the famous tuber, trying to snatch all its secrets while respecting nature.

The shop

In 1987 we set up a small family-run company that over time has been able to interest an ever-increasing number of admirers thanks to respect for tradition and the rediscovery of genuine flavors.


Harvesting takes place strictly during the established periods in compliance with the slow rhythms of nature: only in this way is it possible to have a product of the highest quality, fully ripe and with all the organoleptic characteristics that make it unique and inimitable.

The process

We have been able to masterfully combine technological progress with the tradition of the territory in the transformation of the finest truffles, thus obtaining unique products with the highest quality standards.
The careful daily selection of raw materials, the professionalism and reliability of all the staff and punctuality in deliveries are valid supports for the different needs of the customer and make the company an ideal business partner.

Our products

Our products, rigorously handcrafted and Made in Italy, have immediately found a response in the gastronomy environments, tracing a path that has led to interest the whole national territory, up to foreign markets.

What do we do

For years we have been synonymous with quality and experience in the processing of one of the finest products of the earth:

The Truffle

We wisely and scrupulously follow the entire production chain, taking care of the collection, purchase, processing and marketing of the finest varieties.


Our shop

Taking advantage of the experience of four generations of truffle hunters, our company permanently occupies an important slice of both Italian and foreign markets


The physical location

If you do not have the opportunity to visit us, we will bring our cute truffle corner directly to your home: with our online shop you will have the opportunity to buy and taste all our products.